Origins Love, Hate, And Marriage

Misanthrope, misogynist, and misogamist are built on the Greek root misein, to hate. The misanthrope hates mankind (Greek anthropos, mankind); the misogynist hates women (Greek gyne, woman); the misogamist hates marriage (Greek gamos, marriage).
Anthropos, mankind, is also found in anthropology, the study of the development of the human race; and in philanthropist, one who loves mankind and shows such love by making substantial financial contributions to charitable organizations or by donating time and energy to helping those in need.
The root gyne, woman, is also found in gynaecologist, the medical specialist who treats female disorders. And the root gamos, marriage, occurs also in monogamy, bigamy, and polygamy.
(As we will discover later, monos means one, bi means two, polys means many.)
So monogamy is the custom of only one marriage (at a time).
Bigamy, by etymology, is two marriages  in actuality, the unlawful act of contracting another marriage without divorcing one’s current legal spouse.
And polygamy, by derivation many marriages, and therefore etymologically denoting plural marriage for either males or females, in current usage generally refers to the custom practiced in earlier times by the Mormons, and before them by King Solomon, in which the man has as many wives as he can afford financially and/or emotionally. The correct, but rarely used, term for this custom is polygyny  polys, many, plus gyne, woman.
What if a woman has two or more husbands, a form of marriage practiced in the Himalaya Mountains of Tibet? That custom is called polyandry, from polys plus Greek andros, male.
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