Research Topics to Avoid: A Guide to Choosing the Right Topic for Your Study

Research is essential to the academic world, and its significance cannot be overstated. However, choosing the right research topic is crucial to any study’s success. While there is a plethora of potential research topics, it is essential to consider what are the sources of research topics. Before entering into the field of research, every researcher must know what research topic to be avoided. Consider the following points while choosing a research topic.

  • The right source of information: Considering the sources of research topics is crucial. Research topics can come from various sources, including personal interests, professional requirements, current events, and academic literature. However, ensuring that the topic you choose aligns with your research goals, skills, and expertise is vital. Additionally, ensuring that your chosen topic is feasible regarding data collection, analysis, and ethical considerations is essential.
  • Controversial topics: Any group of controversial topics should be avoided because it often involves emotional or political issues that can be difficult to remain objective about. Moreover, researching controversial topics can lead to negative consequences, such as backlash from stakeholders or harm to the researcher’s reputation. Therefore, it is best to avoid them unless you have a solid plan for managing potential risks and challenges.
  • Appropriate subject matter: Another factor to consider when choosing a research topic

is the subject matter. Some topics which should not be considered in choosing a topic for research are topics that are too broad, too narrow, or too obscure. Topics that are too broad may lack focus and result in superficial findings, while topics that are too narrow may not provide enough data for meaningful analysis. Additionally, too obscure topics may lack relevance and significance, making it difficult to justify the research.

  • Ease of investigation: Some research topics are hard to investigate. These topics may involve sensitive or taboo subjects, limited access to data or subjects, or require specialized knowledge or skills. Examples of hard to investigate research topics include mental health, sexual behaviours, and substance due to the privacy concerns and stigma associated with these issues. Likewise, investigating topics related to criminal organizations, political corruption, or government secrecy may require specialized knowledge and access to sensitive information.


Choosing a research topic should not be taken lightly. It is important to consider various factors, such as feasibility, relevance, and sensitivity of the topic, to ensure that the research is conducted effectively and ethically. It is crucial to select a topic that aligns with the researcher’s goals, skills, and expertise and has the potential to make a meaningful contribution to the academic or practical world.

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