Difference between Aim and Objectives of a Research Study

In research, aim and objective are two important terms that are often used interchangeably. However, there is a fundamental difference between them. Aim refers to the overall goal or purpose of a research study, while objectives are specific statements that describe the steps or actions needed to achieve the aim.

What Is the Aim of a Research?

The aim of a research study is a broad statement that defines the overall purpose of the study. It answers the question of why the study is being conducted and what the researcher hopes to achieve. It provides a general idea of the scope and direction of the research. It also helps to guide the research process and provide a clear focus for the study.

What Are the Objectives of a Research?

Objectives are specific statements that describe the steps or actions that are needed to achieve the aim of the study. They are more specific and measurable than the aim, and they provide a clear roadmap for the research. Objectives help to clarify the research question, identify the key variables, and outline the research methodology.

Objectives are often used to break down the aim of the research into smaller, more manageable tasks. They help to provide structure and direction to the research and ensure that the researcher stays on track. They are often Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound (acronymed as SMART). This means that they should be clear and concise, include metrics to measure progress and success, be achievable within the timeframe of the research, be relevant to the overall aim of the study, and have a deadline for completion.


To better understand the difference between aim and objectives, here are some examples.

Example 1:

Aim: To investigate the relationship between physical activity and mental health.


  • To review the existing literature on the relationship between physical activity and mental health.
  • To collect data on the physical activity levels and mental health of a sample population.
  • To analyze the data to determine the relationship between physical activity and mental health.
  • To draw conclusions and make recommendations based on the findings of the study.

In this example, the aim is to investigate the relationship between physical activity and mental health. The objectives break down the aim into specific tasks, such as reviewing the literature, collecting data, analyzing the data, and drawing conclusions.

Example 2:

Aim: To evaluate the effectiveness of a new teaching method for improving student performance in mathematics.


  • To identify the key components of the new teaching method.
  • To implement the new teaching method in a sample of classrooms.
  • To collect data on the performance of students in the sample classrooms.
  • To analyze the data to determine the effectiveness of the new teaching method.
  • To make recommendations for the implementation of the new teaching method.

In this example, the aim is to evaluate the effectiveness of a new teaching method for improving student performance in mathematics. The objectives break down the aim into specific tasks, such as identifying the key components of the new teaching method, implementing the method in classrooms, collecting data, analyzing the data, and making recommendations.


In conclusion, aim and objective are two important terms in research. The aim is the overall goal or purpose of the study, while objectives are specific statements that describe the steps or actions needed to achieve the aim. Objectives provide a clear roadmap for the research, help to clarify the research question, and ensure that the researcher stays on track. When writing a research paper, it is important to clearly define the aim and objectives of the study to provide a clear focus and direction for the research.

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