
Quality & Delivery

Quality & Delivery Overview

ASetting the stage for the importance of editing in the realm of written communication. Introduction to the multifaceted nature of editing and its impact on clarity and effectiveness.

ManuscriptEdit Quality Guarantee

  • We guarantee to provide the highest quality of English in all documents edited by ManuscriptEdit to satisfy the standards required by the international publishing industry.
  • If you are unhappy with the completed work, please send the reasons for your dissatisfaction.
  • Our independent expert reviewers will verify whether the reasons cited by you are genuine.
  • If the reasons cited by you are valid, our editors will work on your manuscript again at no additional cost until your satisfaction.*
  • If your manuscript edited by us is rejected by the journal because of the quality of English, we will re-edit it at no additional cost provided you address all the reviewers comments specific to your study. However, you should not have made more than 15% changes to our edited version before submitting to the journal.
  • *Applicable to editing services as well as translation and publication support services that include editing.

How to Apply for ManuscriptEdit’s Quality Guarantee

Email your complaint to support@manuscriptedit.com with reasons for your dissatisfaction.

You will receive a response from ManuscriptEdit regarding the independent reviewer's assessment and suggested solution for resolution within two business days.