Attending international conferences and publishing research papers during COVID-19 pandemic

  1. Attending international scientific conferences

Many scientific researchers and scholars are still in doubt about attending international conferences before the development of any efficient vaccine or drug against coronavirus.

In this unusual year for research, scientists are restricted to attend any conferences until further notice. As a result, many international scientific conferences have been canceled. Scientific conferences are the crucial platforms for the researchers to share their work, make contacts, and interact for research collaborations.

As the numbers of positive cases are rising worldwide, public gatherings are being discouraged or banned in order to restrict the spread of the virus.

Many of the conference organizers with the help of participants are organizing conferences in the online platforms by creating virtual conferences and mimicking key components of a physical meeting, such as QAs, ratings, etc.

Advantages of online conference meetings

  • Reduction in paper waste generated from print up copies or leaflets of conference programs by replacing it with Google documents.
  • Online presentations are more sustainable than long-distance conference travel.
  • More efficient conference recordings which can be posted later on.
  • Inviting unlimited guests and participants as there is no space limitation.


  1. Publishing your research paper in the right journal

Since the outbreak has begun, the number of articles in the research journals has been skyrocketed. Also, to support global research during the COVID-19 pandemic, many publishers have made their peer review process flexible for articles related to virology, infectious diseases, epidemics, etc.

Under these circumstances, publication in predatory journals are kept on rising.

Here, we are suggesting some of the key points which can be considered when selecting the right journal for your research article during this pandemic:

  • Examine the nature of the journal before submitting your valuable paper to them. Check if they are legit or predatory.
  • The scope of the journal must be considered before submitting the paper to the target journal.
  • The quality of any journal is assessed on the basis of how many abstracting and indexing services cover that journal.
  • The impact factor of a journal is used as an indicator of the significance of a journal in its category (field).
  • A rapid but authentic publication which can shorten the peer-review process.


 With the numbers of COVID-19 cases growing exponentially and lockdown in most of countries, researchers can be productive even if they cannot work on their research project at the moment. Attending online conferences and publishing their research work can be a good option for utilizing their valuable time.

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