The field of research and academics is an exciting field because one gets to work on new ideas and areas of research. One follows a career in academics to explore new boundaries or uncharted areas of study. However, at the same time, it is an irony that the procedural rigor of the field of academics often restricts researchers in their thought process. Formalized structures, following pre-determined procedures and protocols, the overall academic grind, etc. are often factors that restrict authors in their ideation or focus areas.

The key to successful publishing is offering new insights and ideas. However, to do that, one needs to engage with such new ideas to effectively come up with a focus that can be explored further.

Here are a few tips on how to expand one’s thoughts and get new ideas to work upon which can then eventually be published.

Read other’s works: The best way to engage in new ideas is to be updated on the work been done by others in your field. Read about the latest theories being explored, the new methodologies being adopted, the new questions doing the rounds. Reading other’s work also helps trigger one’s own thinking process; how would you approach the problem? Would you do anything differently? A good article can often be the best trigger for one’s own work.

Go interdisciplinary: One way to open your mind to new ideas and perspectives is to delve into interdisciplinary studies. Conventional Concepts and approaches from your discipline may be unusual or entirely new in another; and you may be surprised to find the same ideas being explored from a different perspective. Interdisciplinary studies are extremely popular for publication and authors actively reach out for collaboration with experts from related fields to help expand their own focus area.

Attend conferences and seminars: Often busy academicians only attend seminars or conferences where one is invited to present one’s paper. However, for a good academic professional, attending conferences and seminars on one’s area or related areas is a critical source of inspiration. Remember, most researchers usually present a paper in these events before going for a publication. Thus, you can engage with new ideas at a much earlier level at such events. These events also allow you to engage directly with your peers which too helps one’s understanding.

Refresh your own presentation:  you need not seek new ideas and approaches if instead, you are willing to shift the focal point of analysis or how you present it. Engage in paper editing of your own work from a reader’s perspective and you will discover several lacunae in your arguments. Star looking at things not from a researcher’s perspective but someone who seeks to develop upon what you are offering. It often helps to seek expert advice on one’s own work. Reach out to peers and ask them to read your work, discuss with them how you can improve upon it, revisit your own work through their eyes and you will have new ideas to work on.

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