What to do when your paper is rejected?

Receiving a rejection letter from a journal editor can be disheartening, especially if you submitted your article with the hopes of having it published. You may begin to wonder if getting published is even a feasible possibility, and whether your work is relevant to the academic world. “We are sorry to notify you that the editors believe that your current article is not fit as a research paper for our journal,” a journal editor would often say when they decide to reject your manuscript. This could be discouraging because it does not request a big adjustment or edits. It is a flat-out rejection letter known as “Desk Rejection.” The worst thing you could do is become discouraged and abandon your paper.

 Tips to deal with the rejection

  1. Make changes and resubmit to the same journal

Upon responding to the reviewers’ concerns, the journal may reject your initial submission but invite you to resubmit. This may be your best option if you intend to publish in that journal. You should respect the decision of the journals if they do not accept any subsequent versions of your manuscript. Try another journal instead.

  1. Make changes and submit to a different journal

Read reviewers’ remarks carefully, strive to enhance your manuscript, and then submit it to another magazine. Before resubmitting, make any necessary changes required.

  1. Make no changes and submit to another journal

Although it is a simple option, it is not suggested. You negate all the effort put in during the first round of review by refusing to recognize the revisions made by the first group of reviewers. Your manuscript may benefit from some of these ideas, even if some of them are incorrect. You now have the chance to remedy some flaws that you may notice from new reviewers. A new journal might review your manuscript by the same personnel.

  1. Discard the manuscript and never resubmit it

Even if you feel it’s not worthwhile to resubmit your manuscript, keep in mind that your work still has value. It’s possible that the information you’ve gathered will be helpful to someone else, or that your work may prevent another researcher from getting similarly unfavorable outcomes.

  1. Appeal the rejection

The journal’s policy for appealing editorial decisions should be made public. As an author, you have the right to appeal a rejection, but you must do so logically rather than emotionally. If the reviewers recommended rejection due to a reasonable misunderstanding or error, outline your reasons to the editor without demeaning the reviewers or being combative. Appeals based on the journal’s scope or the perceived significance of your work is unlikely to be successful.


Paper rejection is undoubtedly disheartening but it is wise to act smart and not be emotionally pessimistic about it. Keeping the above tips in mind and working on it will surely get your paper accepted in the journal of your choice. Do you want more research-related solutions? Please visit our website at https://www.manuscriptedit.com/scholar-hangout/. You can mail us at support@manuscriptedit.com for assistance. Happy reading!!!

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