Avoiding rejection of your paper due to Language Errors

Nowadays, it is relatively normal for a paper to get rejected. Every researcher has experienced manuscript rejection in their career at some point. But it’s somewhat demotivating considering the amount of time and effort that has gone behind it, starting from the whole research process to writing and formatting.

There are various reasons for the rejection of a research paper, one of which is poor English or grammar. Before the paper goes for the review process, it is checked by the managing editors for specific requirements needed for the publishing, which includes thoroughly checking the writing and grammar of the paper.

How to ensure that your manuscript complies with all the language requirements?

The first step is to check the grammar and English, which makes it easier to understand the study.

Making the paper presentable

It is very important for your paper to be presentable to others. Using correct language and grammar is very important for this as it increases the reliability of the results and the capability of the writer to communicate the results to others, be it scientists or readers.

Keeping the reader in mind

The readers are the ones who should be able to comprehend your paper. To make your paper understandable for readers, the key point is to use simple words instead of complicated words. Along with that, the researcher should also use short and clear sentences. A research paper does not need to be creative, but it needs to communicate with its readers. The author can always ask his or her friends or family to go through the research paper one last time before submitting it to a journal. This way, they can point out if any remaining changes in grammar or language are required.

Using a language editing service

Many authors are non-native English speakers leading them to make common language mistakes in their papers. For this, a good idea is to use a language editing service that provides professional editing. A professional language editing service will help correct all language and grammatical errors.

Following these steps will surely make your paper error free in terms of language, thus increasing its chances of being accepted by a journal.

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