Origins – The flesh and All.

Carnivorous combines carnis, flesh, and voro, to devour. A carnivorous animal, or carnivore, is one whose main diet is meat.
Voro, to devour, is the origin of other words referring to eating habits:
1.Herbivorous – subsisting on grains, grasses, and other vegetation, as do cows, deer, horses, etc. The animal is a herbivore. Derivation: Latin herba, herb, plus voro, to devour.
2.Omnivorous – eating everything: meat, grains, grasses, fish, insects, and anything else digestible. The only species so indiscriminate in their diet are humans and rats, plus, of course, some cats and dogs that live with people (in contrast to felines and canines – lions, tigers, bobcats, wolves, etc. – that are not domesticated). Omnivorous (combining Latin omnis, all, with voro, plus the adjective suffix -ous) refers not only to food. An omnivorous reader reads everything in great quantities (that is, devours all kinds of reading matter).
3.Voracious – devouring; hence, greedy or gluttonous; may refer either to food or to any other habits. One may be a voracious eater, voracious reader, voracious in one’s pursuit of money, pleasure, etc. Think of the two noun forms of loquacious.
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