Some Common Combining Forms – Words using syn-.

The Greek syn-, like the Latin com-, means ‘together’. Like many initial combining forms and prefixes, it may change slightly in form depending on what letter follows it.
As syn- it appears in synchronise, ‘to make-together-time’; synonym, a ‘together-name’; synthesis, a ‘bringing together of parts to make a whole ‘; and synagogue, the place where Jews come together to worship. A syndrome is a ‘running-together’. The word refers to a set of symptoms or effects that usually occur together and are characteristic of a disease or condition.
Before an -l the form changes to syl-. A syllable is a sound ‘taken together’. Before a -p or -m the form becomes sym-. A symposium was originally a ‘drinking together’ or ‘party’. Socrates, according to plato, used one such party to collect, and criticize, his colleagues’ ideas about love. Hence any serious round-table discussion is called a symposium. In a symphony the sounds should match ‘together’. If you show sympathy for people you ‘feel together’ with them, or share their feelings.
Other syn- words include: syntax, syndicate, synod, synopsis, synthetic, syllogism, and symmetrical.
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