Grammar & Punctuation – adverbial – English editing.

A single word or a group of words that forms part of a CLAUSE. There are three types of adverbial:
 ADJUNCTS – These provide additional information. For example:
It is safe to climb up or down either path at walking pace.
 CONJUNCTS – These provide a link between sentences:
It wasn’t as if I even wanted to sit down and write in the first place. I have no training as a writer. I don’t believe that telling a story is as easy as it looks. Moreover, this story is a painful one for me to tell.
 DISJUNCTS – You use these to make your own comments on the information you are communicating:
Unfortunately it is unlikely that your boss will change his ways.
An adverbial may be a single word, in which case it is usually an ADVERB – for example unfortunately. An adverbial can also be a group of words like at walking pace.
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